
Getting to know the Types

There are a number of ways to browse the available EOS types:

$ puppet resource --types | grep eos
$ puppet describe eos_vlan

Display the current state of a type:

Arista#bash sudo puppet resource eos_vlan
eos_vlan { '1':
  ensure    => 'present',
  enable    => 'true',
  vlan_name => 'default',
eos_vlan { '123':
  ensure    => 'present',
  enable    => 'true',
  vlan_name => 'VLAN0123',
eos_vlan { '300':
  ensure    => 'present',
  enable    => 'true',
  vlan_name => 'ztp_bootstrap',

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Resource Types

  • The namevar is the parameter used to uniquely identify a type instance. This is the parameter that gets assigned when a string is provided before the colon in a type declaration. In general, only developers will need to worry about which parameter is the namevar.

In the following code:

file { "/etc/passwd":
  owner => "root",
  group => "root",
  mode  => "0644"

/etc/passwd is considered the title of the file object (used for things like dependency handling), and because path is the namevar for file, that string is assigned to the path parameter.

  • Parameters determine the specific configuration of the instance. They either directly modify the system (internally, these are called properties) or they affect how the instance behaves (e.g., adding a search path for exec instances or determining recursion on file instances).
  • Providers provide low-level functionality for a given resource type. This is usually in the form of calling out to external commands.

When required binaries are specified for providers, fully qualifed paths indicate that the binary must exist at that specific path and unqualified binaries indicate that Puppet will search for the binary using the shell path.

  • Features are abilities that some providers might not support. You can use the list of supported features to determine how a given provider can be used.

Resource types define features they can use, and providers can be tested to see which features they provide.


This type provides management of ACLs on the Arista EOS node from within Puppet.


acltype : The ACL type which is either standard and extended. Standard ACLs filter only on the source IP address. Extended ACLs allow specification of source and destination IP addresses.

Valid values are standard, extended.

action : The action for the rule can be either permit or deny. Deny is the default value. Packets filtered by a permit rule are accepted by interfaces to which the ACL is applied. Packets filtered by a deny rule are dropped by interfaces to which the ACL is applied.

Valid values are permit, deny.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

log : When set to true, triggers an informational log message to the console about hte matching packet.

Valid values are true, false.

name : The name parameter is a composite namevar that combines the access-list name and the sequence number delimited by the colon (:) character

For example, if the access-list name is foo and the sequence number for this rule is 10 the namvar would be constructed as “foo:10”

The composite namevar is required to uniquely identify the specific list and rule to configure

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_acl_entry resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

srcaddr : The source IP address. The following options are supported:

network_address - subnet address where srcprefixlen defines mask any - Packets from all addresses are filtered. host ip_addr - IP address (dotted decimal notation)

srcprefixlen : The source address prefix len used when srcaddr is a network address to define the subnet. Values range from 0 to 32.


Provides resource management of the global BGP routing process for Arista EOS nodes.


bgp_as : (Namevar: If omitted, this parameter’s value defaults to the resource’s title.)

The BGP autonomous system number to be configured for the local BGP routing instance. The value must be in the valid BGP AS range of 1 to 65535. The value is a String.

enable : Configures the administrative state for the global BGP routing process. If enable is True then the BGP routing process is administartively enabled and if enable is False then the BGP routing process is administratively disabled.

Valid values are true, yes, on, false, no, off.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

maximum_ecmp_paths : Maximum number of installed ECMP routes. This value should be greater than or equal to maximum_paths.

maximum_paths : Maximum number of equal cost paths. This value should be less than or equal to maximum_ecmp_paths.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_bgp_config resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

router_id : Configures the BGP routing process router-id value. The router id must be in the form of A.B.C.D


Provides stateful management of the neighbor statements for the BGP routing process for Arista EOS nodes.


description : Configures the BGP neighbors description value. The value specifies an arbitrary description to add to the neighbor statement in the nodes running-configuration.

enable : Configures the administrative state for the BGP neighbor process. If enable is True then the BGP neighbor process is administartively enabled and if enable is False then the BGP neighbor process is administratively disabled.

Valid values are true, yes, on, false, no, off.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The name of the BGP neighbor to manage. This value can be either an IPv4 address or string (in the case of managing a peer group).

next_hop_self : Configures the BGP neighbors next-hop-self value. If enabled then the BGP next-hop-self value is enabled. If disabled, then the BGP next-hop-self community value is disabled

Valid values are enable, disable.

peer_group : The name of the peer-group value to associate with the neighbor. This argument is only valid if the neighbor is an IPv4 address.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_bgp_neighbor resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

remote_as : Configures the BGP neighbors remote-as value. Valid AS values are in the range of 1 to 65535. The value is an Integer.

route_map_in : Configures the BGP neigbhors route-map in value. The value specifies the name of the route-map.

route_map_out : Configures the BGP neigbhors route-map out value. The value specifies the name of the route-map.

send_community : Configures the BGP neighbors send-community value. If enabled then the BGP send-community value is enable. If disabled, then the BGP send-community value is disabled.

Valid values are enable, disable.


Provides stateful management of the network statements for the BGP routing process for Arista EOS nodes.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The name is a composite name that contains the IPv4_Prefix/Masklen. The IPv4 prefix to configure as part of the network statement. The value must be a valid IPv4 prefix. The IPv4 subnet mask length in bits. The value for the masklen must be in the valid range of 1 to 32.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_bgp_network resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

route_map : Configures the BGP route-map name to apply to the network statement when configured. Note this module does not create the route-map.


Execute commands on the EOS node. Commands can be either priviledged mode (enable) commands or configuration commands.


commands : The specific backend to use for this eos_command resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


The eos_config type allows for the evaluation of the current configuration for a specific command. If the command are either present or absent, the eos_config will configure the node using the command argument.


command : Specifies the configuration command to send to the node if the regexp does not evalute to true.

name : The name parameter is the name associated with the resource.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_config resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

The eos_config provider allows for the evaluation of the current configuration for a specific command. The prefetch is a no-op because it is not possible to know if the command is set without the properties. Cannot define an exists? method since XXX The exists? method always returns false unless the properties have been set. The eos_config will configure the node using the command argument when the resource is present and not set on the switch.

regexp : Specifies the regular expression to use to evaluate the current nodes running configuration. This optional argument will default to use the command argument if none is provided.

section : Restricts the configuration evaluation to a single configuration section. If the configuration section argument is not provided, then the global configuration is used.


This type provides management of physical Ethernet interfaces on Arista EOS nodes from within Puppet. Physical Ethernet interfaces include the physical characteristics of front panel data plane ports with but does not include the out-of-band Management interface.


description : The one line description to configure for the interface. The description can be any valid alphanumeric string including symbols and spaces.

enable : The enable value configures the administrative state of the physical Ethernet interfaces. Valid values for enable are:

  • true - Administratively enables the Ethernet interface
  • false - Administratively disables the Ethernet interface

Valid values are true, false.

flowcontrol_receive : This property configures the flowcontrol receive value for the specified Ethernet interface. Valid values for flowcontrol are:

  • on - Configures flowcontrol receive on
  • off - Configures flowcontrol receive off

Valid values are on, off.

flowcontrol_send : This property configures the flowcontrol send value for the specified Ethernet interface. Valid values for flowcontrol are:

  • on - Configures flowcontrol send on
  • off - Configures flowcontrol send off

Valid values are on, off.

name : The name of the physical interface to configure. The interface name must coorelate to the full physical interface identifier in EOS.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_ethernet resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type provides management of Arista EOS interfaces. The type is used as a basis type for any interface available in EOS and therefore the properties are common across all interface types


description : The one line description to configure for the interface. The description can be any valid alphanumeric string including symbols and spaces.

enable : The enable value configures the administrative state of the specified interface. Valid values for enable are:

  • true - Administratively enables the interface
  • false - Administratively disables the interface

Valid values are true, false.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The name parameter specifies the full interface identifier of the Arista EOS interface to manage. This value must correspond to a valid interface identifier in EOS.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_interface resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type provides management of logical IP interfaces configured in EOS. It provides configuration of IPv4 properties on physical interfaces and logical virtual interfaces.


address : The address property configures the IPv4 address on the specified interface. The address value is configured using address/mask format.

For example

address =>

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

helper_addresses : The helper_addresses property configures the list of IP helper addresses on the specified interface. IP helper addresses configure a list of forwarding address to send send broadcast traffic to as unicast, typically used to assist DHCP relay.

Helper addresses are configured using dotted decimal notation. For example

helper_addresses => ['', '']

mtu : The mtu property configures the IP interface MTU value which specifies the largest IP datagram that can pass over the interface without fragementation. The MTU value is specified in bytes and accepts an integer in the range of 68 to 9214.

name : The name parameter specifies the full interface identifier of the Arista EOS interface to manage. This value must correspond to a valid interface identifier in EOS.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_ipinterface resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type manages the global MLAG instance on EOS nodes. It provides configuration for global MLAG configuration parameters.


domain_id : The domain_id property configures the MLAG domain-id value for the global MLAG configuration instance. The domain-id setting identifies the domain name for the MLAG domain. Valid values include alphanumeric characters

enable : The enable property configures the admininstrative state of the global MLAG configuration. Valid values for enable are:

  • true - globally enables the MLAG configuration
  • false - glboally disables the MLAG configuration

Valid values are true, false.

local_interface : The local_interface property configures the MLAG local-interface value for the global MLAG configuration instance. The local-interface setting specifies the VLAN SVI to send MLAG control traffic on.

Valid values must be a VLAN SVI identifier

name : The name parameter identifies the global MLAG instance for configuration and should be configured as ‘settings’. All other values for name will be siliently ignored by the eos_mlag provider.

peer_address : The peer_address property configures the MLAG peer-address value for the global MLAG configuration instance. The peer-address setting specifieds the MLAG peer control endpoint IP address.

The specified value must be a valid IP address

peer_link : The peer_link property configures the MLAG peer-link value for the glboal MLAG configuration instance. The peer-link setting specifies the interface used to communicate control traffic to the MLAG peer

The provided value must be a valid Ethernet or Port-Channel interface identifer

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_mlag resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type manages MLAG interfaces on the node used to establish a valid MLAG with a peer switch. The mlag_id parameter is required for this type.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

mlag_id : The mlag_id property assigns a MLAG ID to a Port-Channel interface used for forming a MLAG with a peer switch. Only one MLAG ID can be associated with an interface.

Valid values are in the range of 1 to 2000

Note Changing this value on an operational link will cause traffic distruption

name : The name property identifies the interface to be present or absent from the MLAG interface list. The interface must be of type portchannel.

This property expectes the full interface identifier

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_mlag_interface resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type manages the nodes global NTP configuration settings. It provides a configuration resource for setting global NTP values


name : The name parameter identifies the global NTP instance for configuration and should be configured as ‘settings’. All other values for name will be siliently ignored by the provider.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_ntp_config resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

source_interface : The source interface property provides configuration management of the NTP source-interface value. The source interface value configures the interface address to use as the source address when sending NTP packets on the network.

The default value for source_interface is ‘’


This type manages the list of NTP servers. It provides a configuration resource for managing the list of NTP servers used by the node.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The name parameter configures the NTP server list by adding or removing NTP server entries. The value can be configured as either the host IP address or the fully qualified domain name of the desired NTP server.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_ntp_server resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type manages Port-Channel interface instances on Arista EOS nodes. It provides configuration resources for logical Port-Channel instances and settings


description : The one line description to configure for the interface. The description can be any valid alphanumeric string including symbols and spaces.

The default value for description is ‘’

enable : The enable value configures the administrative state of the specified interface. Valid values for enable are:

* true - Administratively enables the interface
* false - Administratively disables the interface

The default value for enable is :true

Valid values are true, false.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

lacp_fallback : The lacp_fallback property configures the port-channel lacp fallback setting in EOS for the specified interface. This setting accepts the following values

* static  - Fallback to static LAG mode
* individual - Fallback to individual ports
* disabled - Disable LACP fallback

The default value for lacp_fallback is :disabled

Valid values are static, individual, disabled.

lacp_mode : The lacp_mode property configures the LACP operating mode of the Port-Channel interface. The LACP mode supports the following valid values

* active - Interface is an active LACP port that transmits and
    receives LACP negotiation packets.
* passive - Interface is a passive LACP port that only responds
    to LACP negotiation packets.
* on - Interface is a static port channel, LACP disabled.

The default value for lacp_mode is :on

Valid values are active, passive, on.

lacp_timeout : The lacp_timeout property configures the port-channel lacp timeout value in EOS for the specified interface. The fallback timeout configures the period an interface in fallback mode remains in LACP mode without receiving a PDU.

The lacp_timeout value is configured in seconds.

members : The members property manages the Array of physical interfaces that comprise the logical Port-Channel interface. Each entry in the members Array must be the full interface identifer of a physical interface name.

The default value for members is []

minimum_links : The minimum links property configures the port-channel min-links value. This setting specifies the minimum number of physical interfaces that must be operationally up for the Port-Channel interface to be considered operationally up.

Valid range of values for the minimum_links property are from 0 to 16.

The default value for minimum_links is 0

name : The name parameter specifies the name of the Port-Channel interface to configure. The value must be the full interface name identifier that corresponds to a valid interface name in EOS.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_portchannel resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type manages the global SNMP configuration instance on EOS nodes. It provides configuration resources for global SNMP settings.


chassis_id : The chassis id propperty provides configuration management of the SNMP chassis-id value. This setting typically provides information to uniquely identify the SNMP agent host.

The default value for chassis_id is ‘’

contact : The contact property provides configuration management of the SNMP contact value. This setting provides informative text that typically displays the name of a person or organization associated with the SNMP agent.

The default value for contact is ‘’

location : The location property provides configuration management of the SNMP location value. This setting typcially provides information about the physical lcoation of the SNMP agent.

The default value for location is ‘’

name : The name parameter identifis the global SNMP instance for configuration and should be configured as ‘settings’. All other values for name will be silently ignored by the eos_snmp provider.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_snmp resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

source_interface : The source interface property provides configuration management of the SNMP source-interface value. The source interface value configures the interface address to use as the source address when sending SNMP packets on the network.

The default value for source_interface is ‘’


Configure static routes in EOS.


eos_staticroute { '': }

eos_staticroute { '':
  ensure => absent,

eos_staticroute { '':
  route_name => 'Edge10',
  distance   => 3,


distance : Administrative distance of the route. Valid values are 1-255.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : A composite string consisting of //. (namevar)

prefix - IP destination subnet prefix masklen - Number of mask bits to apply to the destination next_hop - Next_hop IP address or interface name

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_staticroute resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

route_name : The name assigned to the static route

tag : Route tag (0-255)


Manage Spanning Tree Protocol interface configuration.


bpduguard : Enable or disable the BPDU guard on a port. A BPDU guard-enabled port is disabled when it receives a BPDU packet. Disabled ports differ from blocked ports in that they are re-enabled only through manual intervention. Valid BPDU guard values:

  • true - Enable the BPDU guard for the interface
  • false - Disable the BPDU guard for the interface (default value)

Valid values are true, false.

name : The name parameter specifies the full interface identifier of the Arista EOS interface to manage. This value must correspond to a valid interface identifier in EOS and must be either an Ethernet or Port Channel interface.

portfast : The portfast property programs an STP port to immediately enter forwarding state when they establish a link. PortFast ports are included in spanning tree topology calculations and can enter blocking state. Valid portfast values:

  • true - Enable portfast for the interface
  • false - Disable portfast for the interface (default value)

Valid values are true, false.

portfast_type : Specifies the STP portfast mode type for the interface. A port with edge type connect to hosts and transition to the forwarding state when the link is established. An edge port that receives a BPDU becomes a normal port. A port with network type connect only to switches or bridges and support bridge assurance. Network ports that connect to hosts or other edge devices transition ot the blocking state. Valid portfast mode types:

  • edge - Set STP port mode type to edge.
  • network - Set STP port mode type to network.
  • normal - Set STP port mode type to normal (default value)

Valid values are edge, network, normal.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_stp_interface resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


This type provides a resource for configuring logical layer 2 switchports in EOS. The resource provides configuration for both access and trunk operating modes.

When creating a logical switchport interface, if the specified physical interface was previously configured with an IP interface, the logical IP interface will be removed.


access_vlan : The access_vlan property specifies the VLAN ID to be used for untagged traffic that enters the switchport when configured in access mode. If the switchport is configured for trunk mode, this value is configured but has no effect. The value must be an integer in the valid VLAN ID range of 1 to 4094.

The default value for the access_vlan is 1

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

mode : The mode property configures the operating mode of the logical switchport. Suppport modes of operation include access port or trunk port. The default value for a new switchport is access

  • access - Configures the switchport mode to access
  • trunk - Configures the switchport mode to trunk

Valid values are access, trunk.

name : The name parameter specifies the full interface identifier of the Arista EOS interface to manage. This value must correspond to a valid interface identifier in EOS.

Only Ethernet and Port-Channel interfaces can be configured as switchports.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_switchport resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

trunk_allowed_vlans : The trunk_allowed_vlans property configures the list of VLAN IDs that are allowed to pass on the switchport operting in trunk mode. If the switchport is configured for access mode, this property is configured but has no effect.

The list of allowed VLANs must be configured as an Array with each entry in the valid VLAN range of 1 to 4094.

The default value for a new switchport is to allow all valid VLAN IDs (1-4094).

trunk_native_vlan : The trunk_native_vlan property specifies the VLAN ID to be used for untagged traffic that enters the switchport in trunk mode. If the switchport is configured for access mode, this value is configured but has no effect. The value must be an integer in the valid VLAN ID range of 1 to 4094.

The default value for the trunk_natve_vlan is 1


This type manages the global EOS node settings. It provides configuration of global node attributes.


hostname : The global system hostname is a locally significant value that identifies the host portion of the nodes fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

The default hostname for a new system is localhost’

name : The name parameter identifies the global node instance for configuration and should be configured as ‘settings’. All other values for name will be siliently ignored by the eos_system provider.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_system resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


Configures user settings.


encryption : Defines the encryption format of the password provided in the corresponding secret key. Note that cleartext passwords are allowed via manual CLI user creation but are not supported in this module due to security concerns and idempotency.

Valid values are md5, md5, sha512, sha512.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The switch CLI username.

nopassword : Create a user with no password assigned.

Valid values are true, yes, on, false, no, off.

privilege : Configures the privilege level for the user. Permitted values are integers between 0 and 15. The EOS default privilege is 1.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_user resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

role : Configures the role assigned to the user. The EOS default for this attribute is managed with aaa authorization policy local default-role; this is typically the network-operator role.

secret : This key is used in conjunction with encryption. The value should be a hashed password that was previously generated.

sshkey : Configures an sshkey for the CLI user. This sshkey will end up in /home/USER/.ssh/authorized_keys. Typically this is the public key from the client SSH node.


Configures varp settings.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

mac_address : Assigns a virtual MAC address to the switch.

name : Resource name defaults to ‘settings’ and is not used to configure EOS. Returns an error if a name other than ‘settings’ is specified.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_varp resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :


Configures varp interface settings. Will create interface with designated name if none exists when assigning shared_ip addresses.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : Resource name for the VARP interface instance.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_varp_interface resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

shared_ip : Array of virtual IP addresses for the interface.


This type provides management of VLANs on the Arista EOS node from within Puppet.


enable : The enable property configures the administrative state of the VLAN ID. When enable is configured as true, the ports forward traffic configured with the specified VLAN and when enable is false, the specified VLAN ID is blocked. Valid VLAN ID values:

  • true - Administratively enable (active) the VLAN
  • false - Administratively disable (suspend) the VLAN

Valid values are true, false.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_vlan resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

trunk_groups : The trunk_groups property assigns an array of trunk group names to the specified VLANs. A trunk group is the set of physical interfaces that comprise the trunk and the collection of VLANs whose traffic is carried only on ports that are members of the trunk gorups to which the VLAN belongs

Example configuration

trunk_groups => ['group1', 'group2']

The default configure is an empty list

vlan_name : The vlan_name property configures the alphanumber VLAN name setting in EOS. TThe name consists of up to 32 characters. The system will automatically truncate any value larger than 32 characters.

vlanid : (Namevar: If omitted, this parameter’s value defaults to the resource’s title.)

The name parameter specifies the VLAN ID to manage on the node. The VLAN ID parameter must be in the valid VLAN ID range of 1 to 4094 expressed as a String.


This type mananges VXLAN interface configuration on Arista EOS nodes. It provides configuration of logical Vxlan interface instances and settings


description : The one line description to configure for the interface. The description can be any valid alphanumeric string including symbols and spaces.

The default value for description is ‘’

enable : The enable value configures the administrative state of the specified interface. Valid values for enable are:

* true - Administratively enables the interface
* false - Administratively disables the interface

The default value for enable is :true

Valid values are true, false.

ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

multicast_group : The multicast group property specifies the multicast group address to use for VTEP communication. This value configures the vxlan multicast-group value in EOS. The configured value must be a valid multicast address in the range of 224/8.

The default value for multicast_group is ‘’

name : The name parameter specifies the name of the Vxlan interface to configure. The value must be the full interface name identifier that corresponds to a valid interface name in EOS.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_vxlan resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

source_interface : The source interface property specifies the interface address to use to source Vxlan packets from. This value configures the vxlan source-interface value in EOS

The default value for source_interface is ‘’

udp_port : The udp_port property specifies the VXLAN UDP port associated with sending and receiveing VXLAN traffic. This value configures the vxlan udp-port value in EOS. The configured value must be an integer in the range of 1024 to 65535.

The default value for the udp_port setting is 4789


This type manages the VXLAN VLAN to VNI mappings in the nodes current running configuration. It provides a resources for ensuring specific mappings are present or absent


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The VLAN ID that is associated with this mapping in the valid VLAN ID range of 1 to 4094. The VLAN ID is configured on the VXLAN VTI with a one-to-one mapping to VNI.

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_vxlan_vlan resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

vni : The VNI associate with the VLAN ID mapping on the VXLAN VTI interface. The VNI value is an integer value in the range of 1 to 16777215.


This type provides management of the global Vxlan VTEP flood list.


ensure : The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

name : The name property associates the IPv4 flood address on the specified VXLAN VNI interface. The address value is configured using address format.

For example

name =>

provider : The specific backend to use for this eos_vxlan_vtep resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

eos :

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